Parts Cleaner

              Consolidated Recycling Technologies, Inc.




CRT Recirculating Parts Cleaners

Our recirculating parts cleaners are designed for use with petroleum solvent in service stations, repair and maintenance shops, laboratories, etc.  Each unit has a fluorescent light fixture and adjustable flow-thru brush assemblies.  The cleaning solvent, UNOCAL 142, is non-chlorinated and will not contaminate your used oil.  Spent material is transported on a standard bill of lading (not a hazardous waste manifest!) and recycled at our permitted facility in Bridgewater, MA. 


Inside Tub Dimensions:

bullet32”L X 20”W X 8”D


bullet170 GPH Pump
bullet120 Volt Electrical
bullet165 °F. Fusible Linked Fire Cover
bulletDual-ring Assembly Easily Fits 16 or 30 Gallon Drum
bulletQuality, Built-in Fluorescent Light
bulletFlow Thru Cleaning Brush Assembly
bulletConvenient Pump Switch With Duplex Receptacle
bulletDrain Strainer With Reusable Bag  Filter





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Copyright © 2006 Consolidated Recycling Technologies, Inc.
Last modified: 06/14/06